Nestle Omega Plus Acticol - Milk

Nestle Omega Plus Acticol - Milk
Price Range: RM16.49 - RM31.99
Drink your way to lower cholesterol NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS ACTICOL with added plant sterols is the first milk product in Malaysia that offers triple goodness: * Plants sterols to lower cholesterol * high calcium for strong bones * right balance of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids Clinical trials have proven that regular consumption of plant sterols dramatically keeps cholesterol at bay without affecting the heart-friendly HDL cholesterol. So, remember. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Get regular exercise. Eat a balanced diet. And drink two glasses of NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS ACTICOL every day so you can live life with all your heart. Life’s up when Cholesterol’s Down. NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS ACTICOL is available in powder format sold at retail outlets.
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Price Update

ShopCarrefourTescoGiantThe Store
Price (RM)19.9917.9912.9919.49
Date03/07/2009 - 15/07/200911/06/2009 - 24/06/200915/05/2009 - 17/05/200924/05/2008 - 05/06/2008
Notespurchase with coupon (save RM5) limited to 3packs only

Price History / Other Shoppings

NoShopStart DateExpiry DateWeight/Size/UnitsPrice (RM)
1.Tesco07/05/200920/05/2009Weight: 600g17.99
2.Carrefour24/04/200906/05/2009Weight: 600g18.99
3.Carrefour20/06/200809/07/2008Weight: 600g16.95
4.Carrefour02/05/200815/05/2008Weight: 1200g, Units: 131.99
5.Carrefour18/04/200801/05/2008Weight: 600g, Units: 116.49


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