Supply High Quality Food Additive Powder CAS 52-90-4 L-Cysteine - RM5.00

Date Posted: 25-07-2024 03:35 PM    Location: wuhan, Johor    Posted by: iris    Views: 93 times
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CAS NO: 52-90-4
M.F.: C3H7NO2S
L-cysteine, a common amino acid in a living organism.As one of the alpha sulfur amino acids, encounter nitroprusside (nitroprusside) purple color (SH), found in many proteins, glutathione, and Ag +, Hg + and Cu + of metal ion can form insoluble mercaptide (mercaptide).Colorless crystals.Soluble in water, ethanol, acetic acid and ammonia, insoluble in ether, acetone, ethyl acetate, benzene, disulfide carbon and carbon tetrachloride.It can be oxidized to cystine in neutral and weakly alkaline solutions.
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